Trevor's Senior Session at Spring Valley Golf Club | Class of 2020 | Spring Valley WI Senior Photographer

Trevor's Senior Session at Spring Valley Golf Club | Class of 2020 | Spring Valley WI Senior Photographer

I tend not to photograph a whole lot of male seniors. I’m not sure why exactly, but 95% of my seniors are ladies. However, when Trevor booked me, I knew I would love this session because it would give me a chance to get creative. We as photographers sometimes get hung up on needing to deliver a specific kind of gallery or product to our clients, and that can often mean that we don’t “shoot for ourselves”.

Trevor loves to golf and he lives right next to the Spring Valley Golf Club. I had never been there, but after visiting the location for Trevor’s senior session, I now want to be a golfer hahaha. We also happened to get some perfect golden light during the last 30 min of his session which you can’t expect – it just happens sometimes!

Often, I just like to sit back and capture what is going on in the in-between moments….not the moments where I’m giving direction or posing. Yes, every senior gallery of mine has posed photos but I LIVE for movement and feeling and emotion. Trevor met me in this space by just being present doing what he loves to do. I left the session with my heart full and my creative juices flowing.

Can’t wait to see the places this kid is going. Thanks for choosing me as your senior photographer Trev!